BT Studio: un IDE web para la programación de aplicaciones robóticas con Behavior Trees

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Óscar has successfully presented his final bachelor’s project named “BT Studio: un IDE web para la programación de aplicaciones robóticas con Behavior Trees”.

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Tutor JoseMaria Cañas Plaza
In this project, the first release of BT Studio has been developed. BT Studio is an open-source tool crafted for the development of robotic applications. Its primary objective is to facilitate the quick deployment of behavior tree-based robotic applications within ROS 2. In BT Studio, a robotic app is defined as an graphical tree coupled with actions scripted in Python, which the tool then translates into a ROS 2 package. This process circumvents the unnecessary complexities often associated with ROS-specific configurations, offering developers a more streamlined approach. The generated robotics application may be run locally or even from the browser inside a docker container with one button click.
