With the previous stable version of the tracker working fine, I started to work on introducing a bigger number of neural networks for the object detection using dl-objectdetector from JdeRobot (https://github.com/JdeRobot/dl-objectdetector). For that purpose, I tested the component using both Keras and Tensorflow models. After that I introduced the component in the dl-objecttracker. At the moment, it only uses Tensorflow models but a Keras version will be ready soon. I tested some models from Tensorflow detection model zoo as SSD or Mask R-CNN (https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/object_detection/).
Apart from that, new sources are going to be added to feed the program: local camera, local video and stream (ROS/ICE). By now, the program is tested with the local video because there are still some bugs in the others that need to be fixed.