This week was dedicated to the introduction of the MOSSE and CSRT trackers included in recent OpenCV versions, also the dlib tracker was tested. To use the new OpenCV trackers I installed the last OpenCV version from source available at the moment (4.0.1) to work along with the jderobot environment. Both MOSSE and CSRT perform better in accuracy than the previous trackers tested. MOSSE is extremely fast but not as accurated as CSRT. The test of the dlib trackers was found very positive too in terms of accuracy but the speed seems to slow down with a increasing number of objects to track. For the moment, the chosen tracker is MOSSE.

Apart from that some bugs found with the bounding boxes coordinates used were fixed. The GUI off mode was improved too with the tagging of the image according to the frame number. When using a local video the last frames of the video in the buffer were not being processed, so this was solved.

The next steps include a way to extract some statistics or performance measurements from the application: IoU (intersection over union) of detection and tracking in datasets, speeds in FPS… with the different configurations.