Week 2: CPMs repos
This second week, we’ve tried to reproduce the results obtained in the CPMs paper. Two main approaches have been found:
- Official release: this repo contains scripts for training and testing CPMs, as well as access to already trained models, both for Matlab and Python (Caffe). As we’re currently working with Python our main interest is to test the model built with Caffe, as shown in their iPython notebook. I’ve struggled with Caffe installation but hopefully it will be solved next week.
- Tensorflow version (not official): it contains a single file where the CPM model is implemented with TensorFlow and an iPython notebook that explains how to test it. It also provides pretrained models, but we’re not sure how these models have been trained. I’ve been able to execute the code from the notebook and make predictions on some images, but they look really messy, as if more than one person was detected.
Next week, we’re going to install Caffe properly and learn the TensorFlow basics in order to test both implementations and compare the results obtained.