Robotics URJC


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Week 2: BBDD of Deep Learning and C++ Tutorials

BBDD of Deep Learning

This second week, I’ve known some datasets used in Deep Learning. Datasets provide a means to train and evaluate algorithms, they drive research in new directions. Datasets related to object recognition can be split into three groups: object classification, object detection and semantic scene labeling.

Object classification: assigning pixels in the image to categories or classes of interest. There are different datasets for image classification. Some of them are:

Object detection: the process of finding instances of real-world objects in images or videos. Object detection algorithms usually use extracted features and learning algorithms to recognize instances of an object category. There are different datasets for object detection. Some of them are:

Semantic scene labeling: each pixel of an image have to be labeled as belonging to a category. There are different dataset for semantic scene labeling. Some of them are:

C++ Tutorials

In this week, I’ve been doing c ++ tutorials. I followed the tutorials on the next page.