Robotics URJC


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Week 21: Driving videos, Stacked network

Driving videos

Stacked network

I’ve used the predictions of the stacked (pilotnet with stacked frames) network (regression network) to driving a formula 1:

Follow line with Stacked network for w and v (Dataset 3, test1)

I’ve used the predictions of the stacked (pilotnet with stacked frames) network (regression network) for w and constant v to driving a formula 1:

Follow line with Stacked network for w and constant v (Dataset 3, test1)

Pilotnet network

I’ve used the predictions of the pilotnet network (regression network) to driving a formula 1 (test2):

Follow line with Pilotnet network for w and v (Dataset 3, test2, Monaco)

Follow line with Pilotnet network for w and v (Dataset 3, test2, Nurburgrin)

In the following video complete one lap (simulation time: 1 min 26s):

Follow line with Pilotnet network for w and v (Dataset 3, test2, Monaco2)

I’ve used the predictions of the pilotnet network (regression network) for w and constant v to driving a formula 1:

Follow line with Pilotnet network for w and constant v (Dataset 3, test1, Monaco)

Follow line with Pilotnet network for w and constant v (Dataset 3, test1, Nurburgrin)

Biased classification network

I’ve used the predictions of the classification network according to w (7 classes) and constant v to driving a formula 1:

Follow line with classification network for w and constant v (Dataset 3, test2, biased, Nurburgrin)

Follow line with classification network for w and constant v (Dataset 3, test2, biased, Monaco)

Stacked network

In this method (stacked frames), we concatenate multiple subsequent input images to create a stacked image. Then, we feed this stacked image to the network as a single input. We refer to this method as stacked. This means that for image it at time/frame t, images it−1, it−2, … will be concatenated. In our case, we have stacked 3 images separated by 2 frames. This means that for image it at time / frame t we concatenate the image t, t-3 and t-6.