Robotics URJC


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Week 5, 6: First steps with Follow Line

Reading some information about autonomous driving

These weeks, I’ve read the article “Self-Driving a Car in simulation through a CNN” and a tfg on which this article was based. This paper researches into Convolutional Neural Networks and its architecture, to develop a new CNN with the capacity to control lateral and longitudinal movements of a vehicle in an open-source driving simulator (Udacity’s Self-Driving Car Simulator) replicating the human driving behavior.

Training data is collected by driving the simulator car manually (using the Logitech Force Pro steering wheel), obtaining images from a front-facing camera and synchronizing steering angle and throttle values ​​performed by the driver. The dataset is augmented by horizontal flipping, changing steering angles sign and taking information from left and right cameras from the car. The simulator provides a file ( in charge of establishing the communication between the vehicle and the neural network, so that the network receives the image captured by the camera and returns an acceleration value and a rotation angle.

The CNNs tested in this project are described, trained and tested using Keras. The CNNs tested are:

The training data is an essential part for a correct performance by the convolutional neuronal network. However, extracting an important amount of data is a great difficulty. The data augmentation allows you to modify or increase the training information of the network from a data bank previously obtained so that the CNN more easily understand what data to extract to obtain the expected results. The training data treatment effects carried out in the study are:

In order to compare the performance of the CNN with other networks, a frame-to-frame comparison is made between CNN steering angle and throttle values and human values as ground truth. The metric mean square error (RMSE) is used, obtained with the difference between the CNN address and the accelerator predicted values ​​and given humans. Driving data collected by a human driver is needed to compare the CNN given values for each frame with the values used by the human driver. This parameter does not evaluate the ability of the network to use previous steering and throttle values to predict the new ones, so the LSTM layer does not make effect and appears underrated in comparison with other CNNs that do not use these kind of layers.

To solve this problem, new quality parameters have been proposed to quantify the performance of the network driving the vehicle. These parameters are measured with the information extracted from the simulator when the network is being tested. To calculate these parameters, center points of the road -named as waypoints- are needed, separated 2 meters. These new metrics are:

To train the network, a data collection is carried out by manual driving in the simulator, traveling several laps in the circuit to obtain a large volume of information. This information will contain recordings of images of the dashboard collected by a central camera and two lateral ones located on both sides of the vehicle at 14 FPS, in addition to data of steering wheel angle, acceleration, brake and absolute speed linked to images. All CNNs have been trained using the left, center and right images of the vehicle by applying a 5° offset to the steering angle. In addition, the training dataset has been increased by performing a horizontal image flip (mirroring) to the images, also inverting the steering wheel angle value, but maintaining the acceleration value.

In order to determine the performance of the CNNs using the metrics previously established, different experiments are made. It experiments with different CNN for steering wheel control:

In conclusion:

Creation of the synthetic dataset

I have created a synthetic dataset. To create this dataset I have created a background image and I have created a code that allows you to modify this background and add a road line. This code allows to generate a dataset of 200 images with lines at different angles. The angle of each road in each image has been saved in a txt file. Next, we can see an example of the images.





Getting started with Neural Network for regression

Also, I’ve started to study Neural Network for regression. A regression model allows us to predict a continuous value based on data that it already know. I’ve followed a tutorial that creates a model of neural networks for regression on financial data. The code can be found at Github. Next, the code is explained:

At the beginning, we preprocess the data and leave 60% of data for training and 40% for test.

We built our neural net model:

We will train neural network by iterating it through each sample in dataset. Two for loops used one for epochs and other for iteration of each data. Completion of outer for loop will signify that an epoch is completed.

So finally we completed our neural net in Tensorflow for predicting stock market price. The result can be seen in the following graph:
