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View the Project on GitHub RoboticsLabURJC/2018-tfm-Jessica-Fernandez
I have been integrating keras in smart-traffic-sensor. For this, I have to embeded Python code in C++. You can find information in the following links: 1 , 2 , 3. You can see a basic example in the next code (hello_python.cpp):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <python3.5/Python.h>
int main()
PyObject* pInt;
PyRun_SimpleString("print('Hello World from Embedded Python!!!')");
printf("\nPress any key to exit...\n");
You have to compile in the following way:
gcc hello_python.cpp -o hello_python -L/usr/lib/python2.7/config/ -lpython2.7
The result is:
Hello World from Embedded Python!!!
Press any key to exit...
At the moment, I have used a COCO model(VGG_300_300_coco.h5 -> for keras in a traffic video. At the moment I have used a coconut model for keras in a traffic video. Although I still have some conflict with the part of tensorflow already integrated, because in the part of keras some tensorflow function is also used and I am getting some problems by leaving both parts enabled. In the next video, you can see an example: