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I have been looking for neuronal networks with keras for objects detection. Currently the ssd networks are having great success, so I’ve tried these networks. For this I have based on: . I did some tests.
I tried the ssd300 with 1000 steps per epochs, 70 epochs and adam. I used the parameters, which are in the ssd300 example and I get the next result:
I tried the ssd300 with 1000 steps per epochs, 120 epochs and SGD. I used the parameters, which are in the ssd300 example and I get the next result:
I tried the ssd7 with 1000 steps per epochs, 20 epochs and Adam. I used the parameters, which are in the ssd7 example and I get the next result:
I tried the ssd300 with 1000 steps per epochs, 70 epochs and Adam. In this case the steps parameter is None, the offsets parameter is None and I used the coco scales.
I tried the ssd300 with 1000 steps per epochs, 120 epochs and Adam. In this case the steps parameter is None, the offsets parameter is None and I used the coco scales.