Robotics URJC


Personal webpage for TFM Students.

View the Project on GitHub RoboticsLabURJC/2018-tfm-Jessica-Fernandez

Smart-traffic-sensor Darknet

Darknet is an open source neural network framework written in C. Darknet supports both GPU and CPU builds. You can install it following the instructions below:

  git clone
  cd darknet
  mkdir build && cd build
For GPU users:
  cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DUSE_GPU=ON ..
For CPU users:
  cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DUSE_GPU=OFF ..
  make -j4
  sudo make -j4 install

For Darknet you need a weights file, a config file and a label file. In my case I tried yolov2-tiny.weights, yolov2-tiny.cfg (Tiny YOLO) and COCO ClassNames File. I did a test with this neuronal network in smart-traffic-sensor:

Smart-Traffic-Sensor Darknet integration