Analyzing experiments classification vs regression

1 minute read

Experiments conduced using Montmeló circuit with different classification and regression brains.

Increasing inference time causes the brain to perform worse.

As we can see on the following table, the more time the brain spends on inferencing, the lower the success ratio.

Mean inference time brain_iterations_frequency_simulated_time Success ratio
0.1102177578 8.489471774 0
0.1097273208 9.087081608 0
0.1089397428 8.826833574 0
0.108384775 8.611706416 0
0.08469425758 10.39180166 0
0.08176505948 11.83541062 0
0.06180069967 18.54519817 0
0.05832424202 16.10134917 40
0.05663843244 16.91381077 10
0.05654587854 16.74553374 10
0.05617845177 17.19212514 30
0.05601816702 17.0677267 40
0.05587896598 16.54422074 100
0.05159521093 17.27328385 90
0.05100311045 17.98406404 40
0.04423760964 18.3121465 80
0.04390220998 18.23390419 100
0.03166032962 18.57335699 70
0.03142367519 18.17389982 80
0.02815542527 17.7724807 30
0.02796182987 18.45898923 30
0.02129336391 19.6270721 90

Classification vs regression

  • Brains with the highest success ratio are based on classification.
  • Classification brains are much slower!
  • Regression brains achieve a mean position deviation error close or even better than classification ones
  • Regression is actually better than classification!
Mode net net Lap seconds Mean Position deviation Success ratio
classification mobilenet_v3_small mobilenet_v3_large 106.2 3.58 100
classification mobilenet_v3_small mobilenet_v3_large 108.7 3.50 100
regression mobilenet_v3_large mobilenet_v3_large 91.11 3.18 90
regression pilotnet pilotnet 96.11 3.81 90
regression mobilenet_v3_small mobilenet_v3_large 88.5 2.24 80
regression mobilenet_v3_small mobilenet_v3_large 97.875 3.17 80

Open questions

  • Why the success in Nurburging is so low (50%) for PilotNet?

Some strange values are illustrated on the table which but be responsible for the lower success ratio.

CIRCUIT mean brain iterations real time brain iterations frequency real time brain iterations frequency simulated time target brain iterations simulated time mean inference time frame rate mean brain iterations simulated time real time factor success ratio
NURBURGING 0.035 28.33 18.28 26.31 0.032 23.20 0.0546 0.76 50
MONTMELO 0.023 41.70 19.95 22.72 0.021 22.72 0.0501 0.87 90
SIMPLE 0.025 39.89 18.47 21.27 0.022 22.62 0.0541 0.938 100
MANY CURVES 0.027 37.02 17.742 21.50 0.024 22.27 0.05636 0.93 70

Experiments that we would like to add

  • Comparison of performance changing brain iterations per second.
  • Comparison of performance changing real time factor of simulator.
  • Comparison of performance multiplying speeds.