Imitation learning based on Bird-eye view for follow lane autonomous driving in CARLA simulator

1 minute read

We are currently exploring end-to-end imitation learning in CARLA using bird-eye view for a follow lane autonomous driving agent. The idea of using bird-eye-view is inspired by Learning by Cheating by Dian Chen et al..

Trying to learn a policy for driving using bird-eye view could be easier since the perception part of the problem is already partly solved. Providing the agent with bird-eye view images, it doesn’t need to fully understand the complexity of the world as compared to a frontal camera view.

In the following videos, the current state of the solution can be studied.

Follow lane with a maximum speed of 20 km/h

In this case, the maximum speed of the car is set to 20km/h. Once this speed is reached, we apply a brake command. The learned policy is able to complete different circuits, curves and directions.

Follow lane with maximum speed of 30km/h

In the scenario, the maximum speed is set to 30km/h. We don’t manually apply the brake command, but the cases extracted from the expert agent don’t go over 30km/h at any time. The previous speed is used as input for the model. We are able to learn a policy that is able to drive in some situations but there is still room for improvements.