Opencv new dataset vs Explicit dataset vs old dataset comparison

1 minute read

Comparing which circuits do the brains complete

Model Dataset Montmeló Simple circuit no red line Simple circuit no line no wall Simple circuit white road Simple circuit white road no line
Explicit -
OpenCV -
PilotNet Old
PilotNet Explicit ❌(last turns) ❌(some turns ok)
PilotNet OpenCV(fastest) ✅(lowering rate much)
Deepest LSTM Old
Deepest LSTM Explicit
Deepest LSTM OpenCV(fastest) ✅(lowering rate) ✅(over the grass)
Frankenstein Old ✅(lowering rate) ✅(over the grass
Frankenstein Explicit
Frankenstein OpenCV(fastest) - - - - -
PilotNet 3D Old ✅(lowering rate)
PilotNet 3D Explicit
PilotNet 3D OpenCV(fastest) - - - - -

Comparing stats values

Model Dataset MAE train MAE val MSE train MSE val
PilotNet Old 5.16e⁻3 0.028 2.6e⁻4 5.63e⁻3
PilotNet Explicit 2.39e⁻3 3.03e⁻3 5.39e⁻3 4.39e⁻3
PilotNet OpenCV(fastest) 4.40e⁻3 5.46e⁻3 1.67e⁻3 6.45e⁻3
Deepest LSTM Old - 0.047 - 8.27e⁻3
Deepest LSTM Explicit 0.023 0.02 3.73e⁻3 3.39e⁻3
Deepest LSTM OpenCV(fastest) 0.018 0.016 4.16e⁻3 3.82e⁻3
Frankenstein Old 0.032 0.044 3.49e⁻3 6.32e⁻3
Frankenstein Explicit 0.016 0.015 2.05e⁻3 2.14e⁻3
Frankenstein OpenCV(fastest) 0.019 0.018 3.9e⁻3 3.5e⁻3

Comparing V and W of each brain

Dataset V min V max W min W max
Old -0.6 13 -3 3
Explicit -0.6 13 -3 3
OpenCV(fastest) 6.5 24 -7.1 7.1

Comparing dataset cases distribution for V and W

Old dataset

Old dataset time distributed

Explicit dataset

Explicit dataset time distributed

OpenCV dataset

OpenCV dataset time distributed