Paper writing, documentation update and RetinaNet reading

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Week dedicated to finish writing the paper and reading more papers. The paper in general was updated, reviewing each section and updating figures. The documentation was also reviewed.


RetinaNet [1] paper is a new approach in object detection. It discusses the problems of one-step approaches and proposes improvements that are reflected in RetinaNet. A new loss function is proposed and class imbalance during training is identified as one of the main problems of one-stage detectors. This means that they evaluate 10^4-10^5 candidate locations but the amount of objects is low. The new loss function pays less importance to easy objects, those that are not difficult to be found and classify correctly.


[1] Tsung-Yi Lin, Priya Goyal, Ross Girshick, Kaiming He, Piotr Dollár, Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection, 2018