Imitation learning based on Bird-eye view for follow lane autonomous driving in CARLA simulator
We explore learning a policy for end-to-end driving in CARLA
We explore learning a policy for end-to-end driving in CARLA
List of available maps
Analysis on 3 circuits
Analysis on 3 circuits
Comparing performance with new training procedure
First experimental results analysis
First experimental results analysis
Different classification and regressions brains used.
Wrapping up ideas
Comparing how the brains perform training with different datasets
Comparing how the brains perform training with different datasets
Plotting the cases distribution of the dataset
The new dataset has been expanded for a broader support.
Experiments on cropping
Looking at some experiments
Looking at some experiments
Reviewing current neural architectures to set the base fot following steps.
Comparing advanced brains on difficult circuits
Comparing how changing the brain iterations affects the output with updated metrics (last experiment rerun)
Comparing how changing the real time factor plays a role in the performance
Comparing how changing the max brain speed affects the output
Comparing how changing the brain iterations affects the output with updated metrics
Comparing how changing the brain iterations affects the output
Comparing all the different brains developed on two circuits
Comparing how changing the brain iterations affects the output
Comparing how changing the speed of the robot affects the output
Comparing how changing Gazebo simulation real time factor affects the results
I look for the extreme cases considering the angular speed and derivative value on the PID controller.
New PID brain added to the comparison
New position deviation calculation
Experiments with DeepestLSTMTinyPilonet and Pilotneton more circuits
Experiments with DeepestLSTMTinyPilonet on more circuits
Comparison between two brains that complete all the circuits in Behavior Metrics.
Applying data augmentations with Albumentations on Tensorflow
Preprocessed images experiments using basic NNs and LSTMs
Exploring data augmentation for LSTMs
More experiments with a new classification model and extreme data for the LSTM based models
Taking last week’s experiments and improving the results
Current state of the project and experiments made
Current state of the project and experiments made during last weeks.
This webpage is updated with blog posts from previous weeks and general LSTM paper reading is conducted.
This webpage is updated with blog posts from previous weeks and general LSTM paper reading is conducted.
The paper is completed and RetinaNet paper is read.
General review of object detection papers to improve the paper and the experiments.
Experiments with some of the most common object detection models are conducted.
PyTorch framework support is included in Detection Studio.
OpenCV-Yolov3 support is included in Detection Studio, getting rid of darknet framework dependency.