Week 2-3. Follow Face

1 minute read

in these two weeks we have decided to prepare the first application to develop (follows people),in addition to a follow ball.


The tasks proposed for this week are

  • Run Nacho’s TFG without ROS to prepare this to be used with the drone.
  • Make a Follow Ball to practice with with drone API.
  • Update Logbook to be more showy.


I needed to install tensorflow with GPU support in addition to other libraries to use the neural networks or for image processing such as opencv.

Follow Person

The aim of this first application is to adapt the follow person that Nacho made for the Turtlebot robot.

To run it, first, I had to decouple its code from ROS, because we’re not going to use it.

Once we didn’t have the ROS dependency, the following was to adapt the Tensorflow part from 1.7 to 1.14. For it, first I had to install cuda and tensorflow_gpu in my laptop, having a series of problermas because the first version of cuda installed was the 10.1 and tensorflow_gpu package needs the 10.0.

Solved all this problems, follow person can be use with a webcam. In future updates the drone camera will be used. In addition to following that person.

To use, follow instructions in README of this link

Update Logbook

At this point I have used as a template the logbook of Nacho Arranz, modifying what is necessary to adapt it to mine. In future updates I will improve it.


Follow Ball

For now I only have the color filter to detect the ball, will continue to update to get control of the drone.

link to folder