Week 0. Let’s start
Hi everybody!
I’m Pablo Moreno Vera, student of the master in Telecommunication Engineering at Rey Juan Carlos University.
I’m starting at blogging with this first post. I didn’t try it before and I hope post every week. My Post-Degree Project is about Klibotics and Unibotics platforms.
On my first week I must study about blogs with Jekyll.
I installed Ruby and Jekyll: I followed the installations steps. But It’s
so hard to everything works on the first try so I had some troubles. After I installed both softwares, I tried to launch the repository I cloned from here
and copy into mine but I got this error: /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/2.5.0/rubygems.rb:289:infind_spec_for_exe’: can’t find gem bundler (>= 0.a) with executable bundle (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
To fix that problem I followed these steps:
- I made a cat of the “Gemfile.lock” to guess the bundle version used. The version was “bundle 2.0.2”
- I ran
gem bundler -v 2.0.2
to select the bundle version. - I ran
bundle update listen
to update the dependencies for that version. - I ran
bundle i
to activate that version. - Once I had the version updated and activated, I ran the
bundle exec jekyll serve
command to start my blog and ¡BINGO! it worked.
