JdeRobot team RLStudio 1.1 allignment (months 15 and 16)

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We finally integrated the problems into the RLStudio version 1.1. For tat purpose, the following tasks were accomplished:

  • Code cleaning using python black module
  • Code refactors to enable rlstudio to integrate different problems without affecting the code (just configuration). It includes some new configuration parameters, algorithms and environments homogeneization and installation scrips fixes.
  • New problems documentation and new videos added in Mountain car and robot-mesh blogs
  • gh-pages update of rl-studio documentation branch to ilustrate this new version
Additionally, I finished the [algorithms part course](https://es.coursera.org/learn/algorithms-part1) in which you can learn a lot of useful data structures and sw programming related algorithms and even directly related to AI algorithms like the two following ones:

The table of contents of this course is the following