Previous weeks - Getting the basics

1 minute read

How to train the Networks

After learning basics about how can we implement Neural Networks to predict object in the next frames of a video recording we need to understand how can we train this kind of Networks.

For that, Nuria created a dataset generator that we can use for create linear, parabolic or sinusoidal, defined the height and the weight of the image/frame, color of the point (for raw iamges)

First we are going to explain the differences between raw and modeled:

Modeled images are just coordenates in a text file that give us the current position of the point/pixel draw in the image representing the object to predict.

Modeled sample

Raw images are .png images created with black and a white pixel indicating the position of the object.

Raw sample

Using sequence_generator_config.yml and you can configure the dataset expected chaging number of samples, raw or modeled, percentage of train and test values…

You can find the files in the repository: /Generator & Train_Test/Generator AMM with the modified changes for my analisys:


Root to save

###root: C:/Users/optiva/Desktop/TFG/2020-tfg-alvaro-martin/Dataset root: /Users/Martin/Desktop/

Type of element to generate

to_generate: f #frame(‘f’)

If toGenerate = ‘n’; Function type

func_type: linear #linear

If toGenerate = ‘v’ or ‘f’; Motion type

motion_type: linear # linear, parabolic, sinusoidal

If toGenerate = ‘f’; Height, width, object

height: 80 width: 120 object: point # point, circle obj_color: 255 # For b/w: 255; For color: [0, 255, 0] dof: var # fix, var, (var_1), (var_2) Ordenados por orden 1,2,3,4..

circle_parameters: radius: 5

Number of samples

n_samples: 5000

Number of know points (x values)

n_points: 69

Gap between last know and to predict samples

gap: 30


noise: flag: False #True to add noise to the samples mean: 0 stand_deviation: 50

Separate train, test and validation

split: flag: True #True to separate fraction_test: 0.1 fraction_validation: 0.1

The standar of dataset I have been using is 10000 samples raw and 20000 samples for modeled and 10000 for raw images