Week 11 - Implementing Live video camera
Make things easier with GUI
Hello all!
I have been working in a interface that guides the user to use the images predictor.
All the code can be found in link
It allows the user to choose between Live camera or Recorded Video.
First option can use the camera of our laptop/pc or a usb webcam attached to get predictions in the moment, of a ball going from the left to the right of view.
The Recorded Video selection it’s about chosing a video file from the local disk and analize it.
Currently it needs to be with a green background and a orange ball.
This is how it looks:
Also the predictions are not working propertly so I need to improve our generated images used to train other Network. Extrating the values of X,Y axis from the video recordered I have been using to test the current code, the similarity are not exactly the same as modeled/raw values used to train the LSTM model.
Talking with Inma and Jose María we decided that is better to include a new vlue to the model, witch is the nº of the frame itself. It start with the first frame when the ball enter in the scene and we can get a centroid. And finish when the ball disapear from the scene.
Changes to this preferences will be add in the next steps.