Week 5. 7/09/2020

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This month I had to do:

  1. Starting with Tensorflow.js Tutorials (image recognition) –> TFJS Tutorials Youtube + Image Classifier
  2. Hello world Tensorflow.js Audio Recognition –> Tutorials Audio Recognition

For this 2 steps I did this video that shows what I did this weeks:

  1. D1 Kibotics OK (Despligue a 1 de Kibotics JavaScript Editor)–> Now it works) and Studying WebSim SIMCORE and A-Frame in Kibotics-WebSim : I don’t really understand how it works

The next week goals are:

  1. Understand the D1 Kibotics how works simcore, brains and JavaScrip-Editor.
  2. Making a ‘Acustic Teleoperator’ Robot has to understand Go, Stop and other word for Back with the tutorial I made of TensorFlowjs audio recognition.