Week 8. 28/09/2020
This week I had to do:
- Soundtrack from Sincore —> Sincore Parser + config JavaScriptEditor –> DONE! Here you can see and listen it:
- Increase the precision of Neural Network Acustic Teleoperator –> More Examples, Walkie Talkie other models. –> I tried and I saw videos but I don’t have it yet. I found Teachable Machine by Google (with tensorflowjs) I will try with it. Extra: A-Frame–> Change the red horizontal box with Rugby goal –> I did a Rugby goal with 3d program called Blender.

& Include motor physics (by Natalia Monforte). –> Not yet
The next week goals are:
- Refine Acustic Teleoperator 1.1 Teachable Machine 1.2 Button Connect/Disconnect to the Robot
- Pull Request Soundtrack JavaScriptEditor