Week 11. 19/10/2020

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This week I had to do:

1.Read TFG kibotics analytics https://gsyc.urjc.es/jmplaza/students/tfg-kibotics-analytics-angel_perea-2020.pdf –> More or less

  1. Make a Volumeter –> I made a HTML5 page https://martaquintana.github.io/Audio_Recognition/vumetro.html
  2. Install D3 Kibotics for competitions : I have just finish installing it today thanks to the help of Pablo.

*This week I had some problems with the memory and partitions of my laptop and I had to reinstall all Linux and Mac sistems.

The next week goals are:

  1. Refine Acustic Teleoperator including a Vumeter
  2. Gamming –> in my D3 record a video with the works of Async & Sync competive exercises for example the competition of F1.