Week 13. 02/11/2020

1 minute read

This week I had to do:

  1. Optimize Acustic Teleoperator including a Vumeter/Studing Teachable Machine and how works recognizer.listen()–> I tried some things and I can’t analize or duplicate the stream of/for Teachable Machine beacuse recognizer.listen() include getUserMedia and I can’t change it. I couldn’t use the VU because I can not use two streams of audio. Despite this I have tried to optimize my Acustic Teleoperator with a counter, I thought that count the times the model predict background_noise could optimize my model. What I have done is counting the times that the model predicts background_noise and if it detect about 10 times in a row, the model stops predicting and I added a continue analizing button if you need to start the recognition again, this optimize the model because the recognizer stops a second and also stops the analisis if you don’t say nothing. The time and the times of background noise can be modified.

This is how it works:

This is my new main function:

   async function listen() {
          document.getElementById("listen_again").style.visibility = 'hidden';
          //--------TEACHABLE MACHINE--------------
          const recognizer = await createModel();
          const classLabels = recognizer.wordLabels(); // get class labels
          //const labelContainer = document.getElementById("label-container");
          const word = document.getElementById("prediction");
        //  for (let i = 0; i < classLabels.length; i++) {
          //    labasync function listen() {elContainer.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));

         var id = setInterval(() => {if(noise_times <= 10){analizar(recognizer,classLabels,word)}else{
            setTimeout(() => {console.log("SE ACABOOO")
              word.innerHTML = "The most probable word: " ;
              document.getElementById("listen_again").style.visibility = 'visible';
              //Robot Control opcional
            }, 10000);
          }}, 10150);

  1. Server Gamming in my D3 Async competive exercises –> I had a little time to dedicate to this goal but I compare kibotics-units I saw the files and I don’t understand why the page dont load beacuse i think it can be the files views.py and urls.py and I don’t know how to run the page. I manage the permisions and this is what says in th competitive and shared exercises in admin_dummy user.
image 1
exercise Scratch SSFo1014

The next week goals are: 1.Understand one normal exercise of the production kibotics, dual screen.

  1. Put in operation an ASYNCRONOUS EXERCISE talking with Pablo.