Week 14. 09/11/2020
This week I had to do:
Understand one normal exercise of the production kibotics, dual screen. –> I play and I did some exercises to understand the code, I understand the philosophy of the plataform but the code is still hard for me to understand it.
Put in operation an ASYNCRONOUS EXERCISE talking with Pablo. I talked with Pablo, he told me some ideas to do and he made a branch for these changes in exercises. I update my webserver in that branch also with all my acustic teleoperators and I had to change some things.
About the ASYNCRONOUS COMPETITIVE EXERCISES: First of all I change the code of simulations.py, I have change “donperfecto” by another user, I chose “admin_dummy” because the donperfecto user is deleted in the new webserver database.
# DonPerfecto code
dnprfct = User.objects.get(username="admin_dummy")
challenger_code = dnprfct.gh_pull_file(unit, assets['notebook']) Later The competitive exercises work and I tried them, You could not save the code or dual screen, Friday Pablo solved this problems and now works. The next step would be to make it take the code of two users because now it takes the same code for the two robots

The next week goals are: 1.Make the two run competitive in Scratch
2.Do competitive exercises in Python
3.If I have time to watch the synchronous comptives