Week 22. 12/1/2021

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This week I had to do:

  • Clamp, object texture and mesh collision, animations and object that is moving all time: I try to understand drone_animation.gltf and person animation with aframe but I don’t understand it very well at all. Also I try to add animation in the config.json file but I couldn’t.

  • Integrate new exercise in Kibotics (when the exercise is completely finished)

  • More obstacles in the room (& json of confeti’s positions) I added the mesh cllision in the chair, table, sofa legs and the balls now they aren’t ghosts!! They are independent objects. The data.json has the array of positions x & z of the confetis, now all confetis are in the same position but each time you load it they are of different colors!

image 1
Json array of positions and new static objects with mesh collision