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DEMO Videos In this post, you will find DEMO videos of all the applications created for my TFG.

Carla qlearning autopilot

2 minute read

in a first approach to the use of reinforcement learning for driving our vehicle, I started developing a Q-learning solution. This algorithm provides a novel...

Carla lane detection

2 minute read

In today’s post, I’m excited to delve deeper into one of the most critical aspects of autonomous driving: lane detection. The primary idea behind my Final De...

Carla teleop

1 minute read

For this following weeks our task will be to program a simple teleop on ROS2 that can control a vehicle on CARLA.

Carla and ros2 setup and communication

1 minute read

This first week job has been focused mainly on setting up our hole working enviroment. The main tasks where to install and setup both CARLA and ROS2.