Week 11 - Triple Neural Pilot and Reorganization
As stated last week I ended the Pilot that received an image as imput, used a CNN to choose if it had to be agressive or conservative and with that another CNN was given the image to pick the command velocities for the car. I also have updated the ropsitory, cleaned it a bit and
Progress This Week
This week, as stablished in last week post I intended to end the triple neural pilot.After my meeting with my tutor I was asked to organize and update the ropsitory, make clear how wach dataset was created and how was each neural network trained and to create an explicit expert pilot that was usable for re-training the nets of the triple neural pilot.
Triple Neural Pilot
I actually did this right after I ended the last post because I was quite Hyped up and did not have another exam for almost a week, not quite like today. In order to do it I generated a dataset with the Doble neural pilot and altered it when training so the linear speed was 1 or 2 depending on the angular speed. Wich in retrospective was not quite clean, this is because each net has been trained with the previous one plus hard interfeerence from myself, carring errors and actually making no sense to compare if three is really better than just one. That is why we will re do it parting from just one dataset created by a pilot that actually acomplishes to speed up in straight lines.
However, the results where quite good, acomplishing to end the circuit in just under a minute: https://youtu.be/BAQ3ZfrG3EQ
Reorganizing and updating
I cleaned a lot of things and uploded my ws to the repository, I also did make it a usable ROS2 ws so from now on I will be able to work from there. This was actually helpfull as I had a lot of things I did not need there and some initial tests that were not usable. However and just in case I have saved a buckup of everything.
My datasets and nets
In order to undertund how my datasets and neuarl networks are related you can see this table:
It might be apreciated that agressive dataset is never used and that there is no second net used for double neural. This is because another model existed, agressive, that was used to generate the 2agressive dataset and was trained by the dataset with the same name (agressive). However, being replaced with 2agressive, it was deleated.
Result and Pending Work
The result is a really fast pilot and a renew and clean repository, as well as having every asset well organized in order to keep going. I would have liked to get more donne and actually retrained all nets with the explicit pilot, but that will have to be next weeks work.