
Getting Started


Installing SMARTS

Official Installation Guide

The biggest obstacle I’ve encountered when installing it, is that they supposedly support python virtual environments higher than version 3.8 but this is not true. The problem is that in python 3.10 versions, pybullet has had an update and stops using some modules that have been deprecated in numpy. For this reason, when I created the virtual environment with python 3.10 and installed all the requirements, I got an error.

Here is the explanatory line on how to create the virtual environment:

# Setup virtual environment. Presently at least Python 3.8 and higher is
# officially supported.
$ python3.8 -m venv .venv

For the correct functioning of most of the example exercises, it is necessary to install more requirements than the default ones, in my case they have been:

pip install -e '.[camera-obs,sumo,test,examples,envision,train,torch]'
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