
Setting Up the Enviroment

Setting up the blog

I started th blog using the chirpy theme and following the installation guide that can be found here.

The only issue while setting it up was that the github actions did not work if the blog was inside the docs directory, so I changed them. This new actions can be found here.

Downloading Ros2 Humble

As I already had it downloaded I didn’t need to do it again. But if you do not have it follow the guide that you can find here.


Also, you may want to wait for the next LTS release that is coming on May 23rd this year Jazzy Jalisco. This new LTS will be the first one to oficially support Gazebo Harmonic, so it is important for our needs.

Downloading Gazebo Harmonic

You may follow the guide from Gazebo to install Gazebo Harmonic with Humble.

It is not difficult to installe it, but the problem arises when you have a ros package that needs gazebo because rosdep will always uninstall Harmonic and reinstall the an older version, this depends if the package uses Gazebo Ignition (Gazebo) or Gazebo Classic.

BT Studio

As this is the base of my TFG, I needed to start to understand how it is implemented. The following video shows how it is used:


In order to download it, you only need to follow the instructions from the README file from the official repository.

Things to note

When you install the dependencies with rosdep, you will get the warning that the tree_tools package has not been found. This does not matter, it will work, this warning is just because the package still does not have an Ubuntu packaging.

> rosdep install --from-paths src -r -y --ignore-src
        ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved
        to system dependencies:
        laser_bump_and_go: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [tree_tools]
        Continuing to install resolvable dependencies...
        #All required rosdeps installed successfully

The important problem is that the demos available have one import setted up incorrectly. So if you are gonna use one of the demos make sure to change

import tree_gardener 


from tree_gardener import tree_tools

And the last thing is to remember to change the topic name of the subscribers and publishers to the one that matches the ones from your robot.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.