
Version 0.4 and more refining

The goal was to finish the version 0.4 of BT Studio and to continue refining the exercices migrated previously in RoboticsAcademy

List of changes to BT Studio

This is a list of all of changes that will be done to BT Studio before the merge is done.

  • Buttons hover correctly
  • Projects overview
  • Project cretion menu
  • Redesign color choices and css (Maybe)
  • New dialog window for creating new files
  • New dialog window for editing actions
  • Quick ? for simple stuff related to how the bt editor works
  • Autosave file in change
  • When creating a file always en with .py
  • Autosave project in change
  • Not show editor if no file is open
  • If modified one action all copies of that action must be updated
  • Indicator that input or output is from blackboard
  • BT sort button
  • Show the link between 2 nodes connected incorrectly in other color OR link by clicking
  • Create file from templates
  • Horizontal Bt (Maybe)
  • Add toggle between horizontal bt and vertical (Maybe)
  • Solving the Tab mistery from ACE
  • Better error popups

Version 0.4 of BT Studio

After merging to the main development branch all the changes done in the last month and the new changes of this week we have come to the release of a new version of BT Studio.

The new changes done this week were the completely rewrite of how the styling was handled, using css variables in order to in the future support theming. Also I added a new popup for the errors and a new edit popup for the input tags in the diagram section. This last feature is still under development and is prone to be change in the future to one that does more than what it currently does.

The video presenting all of this features and the new version will probably appear in next week post.

Refining the exercises from Robotics Academy

Almost all of the exercises are now optimized and work properly. With this the next week we will tackle the one that does not work and fully fixed the UI issues that a couple of exercises have.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.