Week 4-5 - Semantic segmentation and Github Pages III
- Continue adapting DeepLabV3+ with the RELLIS-3D dataset.
- Update Github Pages.
Progress This Week
1. DeepLabV3+ on Rellis-3D
This week I was able to adapt Rellis-3D to the DeepLab V3 network. The problems I have been able to solve are related to the source labels of the data set, the network expects labels numbered from 0-19 and the labels of the data set have different values.
To solve this problem, a script has been created that maps the identifiers of the original labels to new ones from 0-19 and generating the new mask images. The new masks with their corresponding identifiers have been used as input to the DeepLabV3+ network and the training has been carried out with few epochs successfully.
2. Github Pages
Updated post in Github Pages.
3. Goose Dataset
This week I was also able to download the Goose dataset (which is now available) and prepare it to perform semantic segmentation with DeepLabV3+.
Next Week Work Planning
- Add the training and test data on the same “Accuracy” graph.
- Add training and validation data on the same “Loss” graph.
- Add early stopping in train process.
- Add model checkpoints/callbacks in train process.
- Add Tensorboard to monitoring training process.
- Update GitHub Pages.
- [Cityscapes Metrics] https://www.cityscapes-dataset.com/benchmarks/#instance-level-scene-labeling-task