1 minute read



cd /opt/ros/noetic/share/urdf_tutorial

roslaunch urdf_tutorial display.launch model:=urdf/01-myfirst.urdf

This does three things. It

Loads the specified model into the parameter server
Runs nodes to publish sensor_msgs/JointState and transforms (more on these later)
Starts Rviz with a configuration file 

roslaunch urdf_tutorial display.launch model:=’$(find urdf_tutorial)/urdf/09-camera.urdf’


Trying to launch

CustomRobots/f1$ roslaunch launch/simple_circuit_basic.launch

doesn’t work,I’ll try to launch the dockerized examples from “RoboticsAcademy”.

docker pull jderobot/robotics-academy:latesti

sudo docker run –rm -it –device /dev/dri -p 8000:8000 -p 2303:2303 -p 1905:1905 -p 8765:8765 -p 6080:6080 -p 1108:1108 jderobot/robotics-academy:latest ./ o sudo docker run –rm -it -p 8000:8000 -p 2303:2303 -p 1905:1905 -p 8765:8765 -p 6080:6080 -p 1108:1108 jderobot/robotics-academy:latest ./

Couldn’t quite make that work as the simulation image was black and there wasn’t any new topic I could find with “rostopic list”. this could be for multiple reasons, possibly related to the fact that I’m trying to run this simulation inside a container inside a virtual machine…

Starting Gzclient
/bin/sh: 1: /RoboticsAcademy/exercises/follow_line/web-template/launch: Permission denied - - [01/Apr/2022 14:46:06] Plain non-SSL (ws://) WebSocket connection - - [01/Apr/2022 14:46:06] Path: '/websockify' - - [01/Apr/2022 14:46:06] connecting to: localhost:5900
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 11.10.2
Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.

[VGL] ERROR: Could not open display /dev/dri/card0.
gzclient: /usr/include/boost/thread/pthread/recursive_mutex.hpp:108: void boost::recursive_mutex::lock(): Assertion `!posix::pthread_mutex_lock(&m)' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

Was planing to chase this issue when I realized that the topics this simulation was publishing to exist on the container and not my virtual machine, I would need a way to connect to that network to be able to receive the information in my listener.cpp

I decided to go in a different direction as on the output of the container ran exercise there was an interesting line

INSTRUCTION: /opt/ros/noetic/bin/roslaunch ./RoboticsAcademy/exercises/follow_line/web-template/launch/simple_line_follower_ros_headless_default.launch

This seems to be the line that actually runs the simulation, so I cloned the RoboticsAcademy repo..

ranicklas@ubuntu:~/cosas/Repos$ /opt/ros/noetic/bin/roslaunch ./RoboticsAcademy/exercises/static/exercises/follow_line/web-template/launch/simple_line_follower_ros_headless_default.launch

… [Err] [] Could not open file[] …

ranicklas@ubuntu:~/cosas/Repos$ vi ./RoboticsAcademy/exercises/static/exercises/follow_line/web-template/launch/simple_line_follower_ros_headless_default.launch

ranicklas@ubuntu:~/cosas/Repos$ export GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH=~/cosas/Repos/RoboticsAcademy/exercises/static/exercises/follow_line/web-template/launch/ ranicklas@ubuntu:~/cosas/Repos$ /opt/ros/noetic/bin/roslaunch ./RoboticsAcademy/exercises/static/exercises/follow_line/web-template/launch/simple_line_follower_ros_headless_default.launch