Updating verilog source

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The complete simulated environment

Example 5 is ready and working, it achieves a complete simulated environment consisting on the following parts:

·Gazebo world with a simulated camera: We record a simulated world with a simulated camera and publish the data to a ROS topic

·C++ Plugin: Reads the video from a ROS Topic and feeds the data to the simulated FPGA (“verilated” C++ code). Also offers a UI to handle all the other interactions with the simulated FPGA.

·Simulated FPGA: C++ simulation of the FPGA ran Verilog code that handles de image processing.

Update Verilog

Our first approach to example5 wasn’t using the latest versions of the verilog code. This update provides more accurate calculations, bug fixes and a new interface that provides aditional information like distance to the centroid of the filtered pixels.

·input capture_newframe // pulse 1 clk, when a frame has been sent ·output new_centroid ·output [2:0] proximity