Week 4. First GUI interface to show route of the object

less than 1 minute read

Hello all!

Now that we are sure that we are going the right way getting the exact coordinates of the object it’s time to see how it worked with the previous models I have been working with (LSTM1 and conv LSTM1) to see if the mean squared error percentage match wiht the results obtained with automatic generated samples and the values we get extracting the frames from the video recorded.

It is not just about getting the x and y position of the object in the frame, the values extracted have to be as similar as possible as the ones we used for training the model (same gap, same array lenght, same speed…).

Also we have to add to the Extract_frame script a GUI window taht allow us to follow the preddictions made by the code.

So this week I was working on that part and managed to included a interface as the code is being reading to show the centroid:
