Week 12. 26/10/2020

3 minute read

This week I had to do:

  1. Optimize Acustic Teleoperator including a Vumeter –> I have some problems with the volumeter in my audio.js code, this is because the scream of audio I use in my recognizer (teachable machine) is diferent of the volumeter stream, also when i want that the recognizer stream stops its recognition, it doesn’t work. I don´t know why. I try other options like setTimeout(function regonizer,seconds) and wait some seconds and then recognizer.stopListening() and it doesn’t work and with other options sometimes the console showed me the same error.

Here I explain the problems:

this is my audio.js code:

     document.addEventListener('robot-loaded', (evt)=>{
      localRobot = evt.detail;
    // more documentation available at
    // https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-models/tree/master/speech-commands

    // the link to your model provided by Teachable Machine export panel
    const URL = "https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/models/P3XdF5r5d/";
    var connection = false;

    async function createModel() {
        const checkpointURL = URL + "model.json"; // model topology
        const metadataURL = URL + "metadata.json"; // model metadata
        const recognizer = speechCommands.create(
            "BROWSER_FFT", // fourier transform type, not useful to change
            undefined, // speech commands vocabulary feature, not useful for your models

        // check that model and metadata are loaded via HTTPS requests.
        await recognizer.ensureModelLoaded();
        return recognizer;

    function analizar(recognizer, classLabels, word, average){
      if (Math.round(average - 40) <= 0 && recognizer.isListening()) {
             console.log('PARA DE RECONCOCER');
      }else if (Math.round(average - 40) > 0) {
       recognizer.listen(result => {
            const scores = result.scores; // probability of prediction for each class
            var word_index = 0;
            // render the probability scores per class
            for (let i = 0; i < classLabels.length; i++) {
                const classPrediction = classLabels[i] + ": " + result.scores[i].toFixed(2);
                //labelContainer.childNodes[i].innerHTML = classPrediction;
                //The most probable word
                if (result.scores[i].toFixed(2) >= result.scores[word_index].toFixed(2)) {
                   word_index = i;
            var prediction = classLabels[word_index];
            word.innerHTML = "The most probable word: " + prediction;
            if (connection){
              if (String(prediction) == "Go") {
                //que se mueva el robot
              }else if (String(prediction) == "Stop") {
                //que se pare
              }else if (String(prediction) == "Back"){
              }else if (String(prediction) == "Right"){
              }else if (String(prediction) == "Left"){
              }else if (String(prediction) == "Up"){
              }else if (String(prediction) == "Down"){
                  if (localRobot.velocity.y = 0.25) {
              //For stop going down or going up, turn left or turn right say the word : STOP
        }, {
            includeSpectrogram: true, // in case listen should return result.spectrogram
            probabilityThreshold: 0.75,
            invokeCallbackOnNoiseAndUnknown: true,
            overlapFactor: 0.50 // probably want between 0.5 and 0.75. More info in README

    async function listen() {
        navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia ||
          navigator.webkitGetUserMedia ||
        if (navigator.getUserMedia) {
          //--------TEACHABLE MACHINE--------------
          const recognizer = await createModel();
          const classLabels = recognizer.wordLabels(); // get class labels
          //const labelContainer = document.getElementById("label-container");
          const word = document.getElementById("prediction");
        //  for (let i = 0; i < classLabels.length; i++) {
          //    labelContainer.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));

          // listen() takes two arguments:
          // 1. A callback function that is invoked anytime a word is recognized.
          // 2. A configuration object with adjustable fields
              audio: true
            function(stream) {

              audioContext = new AudioContext();
              analyser = audioContext.createAnalyser();
              microphone = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
              javascriptNode = audioContext.createScriptProcessor(2048, 1, 1);

              analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.8;
              analyser.fftSize = 1024;


              canvasContext = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");

              javascriptNode.onaudioprocess = function() {
                  var array = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
                  var values = 0;

                  var length = array.length;
                  for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                    values += (array[i]);

                  var average = values / length;

                  analizar(recognizer, classLabels, word, average);

                  canvasContext.clearRect(0, 0, 150, 300);
                  canvasContext.fillStyle = '#BadA55';
                  canvasContext.fillRect(0, 300 - average, 150, 300);
                  canvasContext.fillStyle = '#262626';
                  canvasContext.font = "48px impact";
                  canvasContext.fillText(Math.round(average - 40), -2, 300);

                } // end fn stream
            function(err) {
              console.log("The following error occured: " + err.name)
        } else {
          console.log("getUserMedia not supported");

    async function Connect_To_Robot() {
        if (connection){connection= false;
          document.getElementById("connection").style.backgroundColor= "red";
          console.log( "Desconectado");
            connection = true;
            console.log( "CONECTADO AL ROBOT");
            document.getElementById("connection").style.backgroundColor= "green";
  1. Gamming in my D3 record a video with the works of Async & Sync competive exercises for example the competition of F1. –> We change this goal because the server of competitions doesn’t work because of the update of the webworkers, instead of that I had to study the code of the webserver and try it works. –> I have trying to understand the code. This week I will try to get it going.

The next week goals are:

  1. Optimize Acustic Teleoperator including a Vumeter/Studing Teacheble Machine and how works recognizer.listen()
  2. Server Gamming in my D3 Async competive exercises