Week 16. 23/11/2020

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This week I did:

  1. Competitive Asynchronous Scratch Master
  2. Operative Competitive Asynchronous Python

Competitive Asynchronous Sratch and Python are now in the master branch and they are operative!

  1. Synchronous Python and Scratch exercises –> Django Channels 1.1 a Django Channels 2.4
  2. Automatic tournaments/Championship –> It doesn’t work because the update of Django Channels

The next week goals are:

1.Django 2.2

1.1 Made a Django 2.2 aplication (videoconference) 
signaling (webserver)

1.2 "Maestro" Sharing websim asyncronous exercise to a "esclavo".
1.3 "Esclavo" Event like a push a button and then something changes on the "Maestro"
  1. Torneo Automatico Ranking –> Make work (tfm pablo moreno )