Week 17. 30/11/2020

1 minute read

This week I had to do:

  1. Read Natalia Monforte’s TFG : https://gsyc.urjc.es/jmplaza/students/tfg-kibotics-motor_fisicas-natalia_monforte-2020.pdf Ok

  2. Investigate Worlds and exercises in RoboCampeones, RoboCup, First Lego League. –> Maybe we can do a Rescue game like: one player is a fire engine and the other is a police car and they have to go to extinguish the fire through a forest, maze or houses. Other games like change the field for a hockey field with ice, or other with “Terreno Dificultoso”, Sumo, maybe we can do a Boat circuit at the sea, for drones we can do a circuit of rings to pass through them, or maybe change the aparience of the robots or drones for animals, dragons or helicopters as everything is simulated it couldn’t be real life but it could be interesting , i don’t known, something attract the attention of the kids.

  3. Make the exercise the mouse and the cat in Kibotics. –> I know more or less how to do it because I did one exercise with Adrian in the kibotics courses like a month ago butI can’t prove it because kibotics.org exercises and D3 doesnt work well. I have asked by Slack.

The next week goals are: Making Droner Cat&Mouse Roomba 3d A-Frame & 1 Confeti actuator suck confetti, remove Aframe world elements.