Week 39. Investigating how to handle topics
The objective of these test is checking wether, executing the user code, the robot changes it position or not.
As the objective was clear, I started investigating some other ways of handling the messages of the topics in a simpler form.
I had the following points clear
- The publisher was constantly publishing messages in the topic used by the selected exercise.
- I only needed to check the messages two times
- The first one, before executing the code
- The second one, a few secons after executing the code
- The comparison had to be different
With that in mind, I did not need all the messages published in the topic each exercise used. I needed the correct messages, the ones that allowed me to compare and check if the exercise is working or not.
After a lot of investigation, I finally found the command rostopic echo
. This allowed me to check the messages a publisher is sending and, as I only need one I tested how to ask with rostopic echo for just one of these messages.