Posts by Year


Week 50. User code gets emptied at parsing

less than 1 minute read

I located the problem: the code from the user was being deleted inside the so, what I need to do now is finding the point where it gets emptied.

Week 41. Making the script for each topic

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As studied in the previous weeks, a lot of exercises share topic so now I reproduced the shell script of the previous weeks with the rest of topics.

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Week 30. Pausing functionality tests for now

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I kept looking through the week to see if there is any other way of inserting text using Selenium or external functions. But there isn’t a lot of information...

Week 16. Checking ROS topics

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I already could raise the RADI container and I knew how to use Selenium to raise a test server. So a few steps of the integration were already done.

Week 15. Understanding subprocess module

less than 1 minute read

First thing I need to do in my functionality test: Make the RADI container available. In order to do that, normally, i would type docker start RADI in my lin...

Week 14. Functionality test draft

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Once the frontend tests are finished and working, the next step is to start with the functionality tests for the production exercises.

Week 6/7. Creating Selenium Test

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This weeks the work has been centered around implementing automatic test to the unibotic platform. That way, when a deployment is done, we could automaticall...

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Week 5. First issue

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As I continue to study the code of some files in the unibotics repository I helped solve a little issue!

Week 4. D1 Deployment

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Finally, I was able to solve the previous problems I faced while trying to make a D1 Deployment.

Week 1. Python & GitHub review

less than 1 minute read

This first week the task was simple: review the Python syntax so I can use this language on the rest of the TFG.

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