Week 17 - Using dl-objectdetector

With the previous stable version of the tracker working fine, I started to work on introducing a bigger number of neural networks for the object detection using dl-objectdetector from JdeRobot (https://github.com/JdeRobot/dl-objectdetector). For that purpose, I tested the component using both Keras and Tensorflow models. After that I introduced the component... [Read More]

Week 16 - Refinement of synchronism and tracker

These last weeks I have been working on having a stable tracker which allows the application a better synchronization between the different branches (Camera, Net, GUI) and the tracking itself. For that purpose, the internal logic of the tracker was modified, allowing the tracking to work in a more flexible... [Read More]

Week 15 - Camera buffer and tracker updates

Now, the GUI uses the images coming from the Camera buffer directly instead of using its own buffer. The tracker has a mechanism to avoid that the tracking process to be much faster than the neural network detections. [Read More]

Week 14 - Net result bug in GUI fixed

The GUI in the neural network result was showing the image segmented from the Mask R-CNN along with a bounding box from the tracker sometimes, so this was fixed. The next necessary improvement is to move the buffer to Cam completely without having it in the GUI branch too. [Read More]

Week 13 - Circular buffer (first version) and buffer in Cam

Once the first version of the buffer with delay is running the next necessary step is to implement a circular buffer to avoid the increase in size of this buffer. But first, the buffer with delay (and also the instructions which control the different branches) was moved to the Cam... [Read More]