Week 21 - New trackers and some bugs solved

This week was dedicated to the introduction of the MOSSE and CSRT trackers included in recent OpenCV versions, also the dlib tracker was tested. To use the new OpenCV trackers I installed the last OpenCV version from source available at the moment (4.0.1) to work along with the jderobot environment.... [Read More]

Week 19 - Keras models

This week the Keras network models were finally introduced into the application. The supported models include SSD_300x300 and SSD_512x512 architectures. The next step is going to be the test of new trackers. [Read More]

Week 18 - Offline mode and close

Last week I solved some small pending tasks. I have refactorized the offline mode to adapt it to the new architecture of the Network side. This mode was working at the very beginning of the project to allow the user to have an option of running the program without GUI.... [Read More]