Week 12 - Tracker fixes and GUI changes

So, this new week I started by solving some problems that the tracker had which affected the flow of the application (some more still need to be fixed yet). Also, I had a look on different possible types of tracker implemented in OpenCV (at the moment I am using the... [Read More]

Week 11 - First prototype of the delay buffer

This week I implemented a first prototype of the delay buffer fixing some bugs of the previous version but it still has some little failures pending to be solved. On the other hand, the Docker container has not been configured yet to allow graphic sessions so the works in it... [Read More]

Week 10 - Continuing with the improvements

These last 3 weeks I have been working in two different type of approaches to improve the behaviour of the application. On the one hand, I built a first prototype of the application with a buffer with delay. This buffer allows to show all the detections and segmentations in the... [Read More]

Week 9 - Mask R-CNN improvements

This week I tested the Mask R-CNN with different image sizes to reduce the execution time of a segmentation. The minimum size allowed by the net that obtains results and mantains the original aspect ratio is 540x404. The execution time ranges now between 23 and 25 seconds (using CPU). [Read More]

Week 8 - Optimization step

Once the Mask R-CNN is running the next necessary step is to optimize it with the objective of being able to perform activities in real-time conditions. For this purpose, we thought about two possible solutions. [Read More]