Week 7 - Run continuous mode added

This week I added the ‘Run continuous’ mode to the application which allows the user to segment the video stream from the webcam in ‘real-time’. This real-time is obviously conditioned by the time that needs the computer to process the image using the Mask R-CNN, which in my case takes... [Read More]

Week 6 - Starting to build the object segmentator component

With the objective of building a visual memory for a robot the first required step is to develop an object-segmentator component running in real-time with a video stream. It will be build with a structure of 3 branches: Camera, GUI and Net. The first approach will be an application working... [Read More]

Week 5 - Mask R-CNN code review and test

The actual task is to understand the Mask R-CNN code implementation available at https://github.com/matterport/Mask_RCNN and test it on my personal laptop. To do so, I started by running a demo example of using a pre-trained model on MS COCO to segment objects in your own images (https://github.com/matterport/Mask_RCNN/blob/master/demo.ipynb). The first step... [Read More]

Week 4 - State of the Art work

This Christmas holidays I wrote an small part of the TFM report which includes the sections of introduction and State of the Art / Related works. In this document I talk about robotics in Computer Vision, neural networks, methods of tracking, detection and instance segmentation like Mask R-CNN, among other... [Read More]

Week 3

This week I ran David’s code once I had the Keras model to feed the classifier as it can be seen in the following video: [Read More]