Logs & DDBB kibotics webserber

1 minute read

1. Logs and DDBB

Hello there,

This week I’ve continue working with the log script, integrating it in a Django test Webserver, like in the following image:

Test plot on a Django Webpage.

2. Logs

I’ve been analizing the logs that the actual kibotics webserver traks on the “log.txt” file, these are the strings inserted in the file on the views.py Django file:

  • “New Simulation ==> “ + str(datetime.now().strftime(“%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S”)) + “: “ + user.username + “ “ + client_ip + “ “ + simulation_type + “ “ + exercise_id + “ “ + host.ip + “ “ + container.id + “\n”

  • “Error ==> 500 Internal Server Error” + “\n”


To finish the week i’ve also analized the DDBB in production:

Exercise - exercise_id - CharField - name - CharField - state (Active, Inactive, Testing) - platform (Gazebo, Websim, Real, Theory, Vision, Tutorials) - language (python, javascript, scratch) - description - CharField - video - CharField - topic - CharField - thumbnail - CharField - assets - CharField - gui - CharField - referee - CharField - real - CharField - compute_load - IntegerField - observations - TextField

Pack - pack_id - CharField - name - CharField - exercises - ManyToManyField(Exercise) - observations - TextField

Permissions Meta (is_admin, is_profesor, is_alumno)

Host - host - CharField - ip - CharField - main_server - BooleanField - active - BooleanField - max_simulations - IntegerField - running_simulations - IntegerField - priority - IntegerField - cpu_limit - FloatField - memory_limit - CharField - uc_equivalence - FloatField - compute_load - IntegerField - compute_capacity - IntegerField

Simulation - user - CharField - init_simulation - CharField - simulation_type - CharField - exercise - CharField - docker_id - CharField - client_ip - CharField - host_ip - CharField - ws_channel - CharField - active - BooleanField

Code - code - CharField - group - CharField - packs - ManyToManyField(Pack) - observations - TextField

User - role (Admin, BetaTester, Profesor, Alumno) - exercises - ManyToManyField(Exercise) - packs - ManyToManyField(pack) - code - ManyToManyField(code) - observations - TextField