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Continuing with the project, this weeks aimed to improve the radio control and complete the documentation of the proccess.

Week 3

Once the teleoperation functionality was working properly, we planned to improve it, adding a video screen (editing the SDF model file and including the pluging) that is responsible for showing a front view inside the drone, and also added some buttons for the drone to perform some simple tasks:

  1. Takeoff
  2. Land
  3. Turn specific angles/move specific distance
  4. Stop

Also, I modified the slider GUI to make it easy to use. Instead of moving around the XYZ axes, I developed a system relative to the Iris drone, as seen in the video below:

Week 4

Finally, this week goal was to end this teleoperation mini-project.

I implemented a new method in charge of landing, via services, using a custom msg to communicate between the radio_control and the PX4 controller. Here is a little summary:

uint8 cmd

  • IDLE = 0
  • TAKEOFF = 1
  • LAND = 2
  • POSITION = 3
  • VELOCITY = 4

I also included all the bitacora inside github pages posts, and I reorganiced the code to stay clean and ready to use (adding some usefull comments inside).