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This week I’ve been working on the VFF project.

First of all, I have created a world in which the robot spawns inside a kind of circuit with red boxes as checkpoints. This checkpoints will be the coordinates of the attractive forces. There are some parts without borders, to test if the attractive forces really work (the robot might keep the trajectory even when only one side is giving a repulsive force).

The obstacles part (repulsive forces) is already working, as we can see in the following videos. The first one uses a circuit to prove the repulsive forces working with a constant linear velocity, and the second one also uses cilinders inside the circuit as obstacles:

In the attractive forces part, I’ve been working on converting the global coordinates into local coordinates to get a rotational force for the robot to use, but it is not working. I’ve tried several things, but right now the robot seems to calculate those local coords wrong. I will improve this problem in the coming week.