less than 1 minute read

This week I started a new project to test the FSM implemented in VisualCircuit using the “Enable” input.

The FSM I am trying to implement, consists of an VFF that ask the user for the coordinates a couple times and then returns to the origin.

At the beggining I thought of a model in which the previous VFF block was used, Trying to make it as clean as possible, I changed the odometer to a global block and then made the other 2 states as 2 new blocks.

Inside the VFF state, I changed some blocks such as the destination generator and the odometer to simple imputs, looking something like this.

But VisualCircuit cannot handle blocks inside blocks, so all the idea was thrown to the trash. Now everything looks like a mess, but it’s not giving too much errors.

We’ll see how this works out the next week (hopefully the end of the FSM stage).