Week 6 8
WEEK 6-8
Study the code of the interfaces of the robot of the WebSim repository. More in detail the function getObject(). To understand it I studied the OpenCV library for image processing.
I have carried out a proof of concept of the use of Chrome WebSerial Api for communication through the serial port. I have made two small examples and to send messages to the serial port I have created a web page.
- The first example => Turn on led arduino board
- First I have added to Arduino a program that reads from the serial port and turns the LED on / off according to what it receives.
char input; void setup(){ pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // Declaramos que utilizaremos el pin 2 como salida digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,LOW); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop(){ if (Serial.available()>0){ input=Serial.read(); if (input=='1'){ digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); } else if(input=='0') { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); } } }
- Through the web if I select the led field I send a ‘1’ and if I remove the field send a ‘0’. The board receives these messages and turns the LED on or off depending on the message received.
- First I have added to Arduino a program that reads from the serial port and turns the LED on / off according to what it receives.
- The second example => Movimiento Mbot
- First I added a program to the Mbot to move (forward / backward / left / right / stop) based on the message received by the serial port.
char input; const int pinPWMA = 6; const int pinAIN1_AIN2 = 7; const int pinPWMB = 5; const int pinBIN1_BIN2 = 4; void setup() { pinMode(pinPWMA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinAIN1_AIN2, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinPWMB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinBIN1_BIN2, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { if (Serial.available()>0){ input=Serial.read(); if (input=='0'){ Avance(255); delay(2000); } else if(input=='1') { Retroceso(255); delay(2000); } else if(input=='2') { Izquierda(255); delay(2000); } else if(input=='3') { Derecha(255); delay(2000); } else if(input=='4') { Parar(); delay(2000); } } } void Avance(int velocidad) { analogWrite(pinPWMA, velocidad); digitalWrite(pinAIN1_AIN2, LOW); analogWrite(pinPWMB, velocidad); digitalWrite(pinBIN1_BIN2, HIGH); } void Retroceso(int velocidad) { analogWrite(pinPWMA, velocidad); digitalWrite(pinAIN1_AIN2, HIGH); analogWrite(pinPWMB, velocidad); digitalWrite(pinBIN1_BIN2, LOW); } void Izquierda(int velocidad) { analogWrite(pinPWMA, velocidad); digitalWrite(pinAIN1_AIN2, HIGH); analogWrite(pinPWMB, velocidad); digitalWrite(pinBIN1_BIN2, HIGH); } void Derecha(int velocidad) { analogWrite(pinPWMA, velocidad); digitalWrite(pinAIN1_AIN2, LOW); analogWrite(pinPWMB, velocidad); digitalWrite(pinBIN1_BIN2, LOW); } void Parar() { analogWrite(pinPWMA, 0); digitalWrite(pinAIN1_AIN2, HIGH); analogWrite(pinPWMB, 0); digitalWrite(pinBIN1_BIN2, HIGH); }
Through the web selecting the movement. It is sent by the serial port
MOVEMENT MESSAGE Advance ‘0’ Back ‘1’ Left ‘2’ Rigth ‘3’ Stop ‘4’
- First I added a program to the Mbot to move (forward / backward / left / right / stop) based on the message received by the serial port.
- Nota: Reference => https://github.com/Obijuan/FPGA-WEB-Serial/tree/master/WebTerm
- The first example => Turn on led arduino board