Week 26

less than 1 minute read


  1. I have recorded two example videos to load the program to real tello in python and in scratch for the channel kibotics.
  2. To get the process on windows and macOS:
    • We think about the solution of the packaging of code in python, I have been researching how to do it and had some problems that I am trying to solve.
    • For the packaging, it is necessary to add both the external libraries (this if I have succeeded) and the libraries of kibotics-drives/tello, These are the ones that I’m having trouble packing.
    • I am using setuptool.
    • Links of interest:
      - https://docs.hektorprofe.net/python/distribucion/setuptools/
      - https://uniwebsidad.com/libros/python/capitulo-3/creando-modulos-empaquetados
